Tina Visagie is a Copywriter at Betterteam. She has written extensively about small businesses and branding, and has experience in journalism, PR, and social media management.
A dress code is a set of guidelines to make it easy for employees to know what is appropriate to wear to work. It can also help companies to be sure employees are presenting themselves well in meetings and interactions with clients and customers.
Download this free dress code policy template and quickly create a policy that clarifies your guidelines for employees.
The [company name] dress code policy is designed to help us all provide a consistent professional appearance to our customers and colleagues. Our appearance reflects on ourselves and the company. The goal is to be sure that we maintain a positive appearance and not to offend customers, clients, or colleagues.
Who does this policy apply to?
The [company name] dress code policy applies to [which positions this applies to].
[Company Name] Dress Code Policy:
Dress Code Violations:
Managers or supervisors are expected to inform employees when they are violating the dress code. Employees in violation are expected to immediately correct the issue. This may include having to leave work to change clothes.
Repeated violations or violations that have major repercussions may result in disciplinary action being taken up to and including termination.
This often varies from company to company and depends on your business environment and organizational culture. While many companies do not require their staff to wear formal business attire, employees are expected to look presentable at all times.
Yes. Breaking a company's dress code can lead to termination.
Yes. The employer typically sets out the dress code, and can, therefore, make reasonable changes as needed.
Different companies have varying dress codes that allow or ban certain items of clothing. Generally speaking, these items are considered inappropriate:
Yes. Some employers require employees to cover visible tattoos when working with customers.
Yes. If the company's dress code calls for having no facial hair, an employer can request that an employee shaves.
This depends on the company's dress code and what they deem appropriate attire for the workplace.
Yes. If the company's dress code requires that employees wear make-up, not doing so would be a breach of contract.
Some companies may allow leggings, and others may not. Generally, leggings are not considered appropriate office attire.
Dark jeans may be acceptable in some cases, but this may depend on the employer. Casual jeans or acid-washed colors are never acceptable.
This may include khaki or cotton pants shorts or skirts with a hem past the knee. Long-sleeved button-down shirts, collared polo/knit shirts, sweaters, and cardigans. Pants and shirts should be neatly pressed. Shoes should be relaxed but nice, no tennis shoes or sandals.
Relaxed, but tasteful. Jeans and T-shirts are acceptable but should be in clean and neat condition, without holes, stains, etc.
An example of smart casual would be a pair of slacks or a nice pair of jeans with a button-up shirt and leather shoes. This dress code typically excludes shorts, worn jeans, sandals, and T-shirts.
For men, this typically means a shirt, tie, jacket, and dress shoes. For women, a skirt or pants suit with closed-toe heels. All clothing should be clean and pressed.
Dress codes are legal as long as they do not cause employees to dress in demeaning or provocative ways. If an employer has a dress code, it must be applied fairly to all employees.